Ture Sjölander (b. 1937, Sweden)
Bror Wikström (b. 1931, Sweden – d. 1997)
Time, 1966

Interesting, Meigh-Andrews describes “Time” as a ’30-minute transmission of electronically manipulated paintings on National Swedish Television’. However, what I can find on the internet under that title seems more like electronically manipulated jazz performance, and a serigraph in Moderna Museet’s collection (above) is of that jazzy thing. Whom can one trust nowadays?

Anyway, my initial impulse was that “Time” – if it was broadcast of manipulated painting – would be relevant predecessor to my “Too Little Too Much”. Now, if it was in fact a manipulated jazz performance, then it is more pertinent through the serigraph, as restatement of the work in another medium. That can then relate both to “Too Little Too Much” as to my various reproductions of TV programs in other media.