Fall 1963 Bridget Riley born 1931 Purchased 1963 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T00616

Bridget Riley (b. 1931, UK)
Fall, 1963

Riley was referenced by quite a few in relation to my “Too Little Too Much”. In terms of causality there may not be much connection – her Op Art was deliberate exploration of optical phenomena, while I was exploring possibilities to reproduce a painting in unprejudiced ways. And yet, I had a reasonable aesthetic idea as to where I was heading when choosing to go for rasterisation in black and white… so maybe it was more context than causality that was different.

Her pointillist period is also of relevance even if my dotted paintings are of much more abstract nature. Nevertheless, there is something comparable in the granulation of the imagery, a structural break-down and reconstruction on another abstraction level at the same time.