Stan Brakhage (b. 1933, USA – d. 2003, Canada)
Dog Star Man, 1964

This may be my weakest pertinence to date, or, possibly, the strongest. Who knows. Here is how it goes:

“Did you have any idea of what DOG STAR MAN would be?” – “No. At least all the ideas I had subsequently proved to be irrelevant.” (Wikipedia referring to Metaphors on Vision)

This is in relation to my attempts to articulate my current “project” in terms of working productively without goals. This might prove most relevant or totally irrelevant at the end.

Then there is also something about these poetic moving pictures that might be telling a story or just moving, it’s up to the viewer to decide. Reminds me of a number of my recent video experiments capturing something for its colours or shapes or sounds rather than for any narrative.