David Reed (b. 1946, USA)
Judy’s Bedroom, 1992/2001

In terms of categories and boundaries… Reed presents his painting in an installation roughly replicating a set from a classical movie, let’s that movie to play on tv in the same room – and he edits his painting into the movie, too. Yet again, all that cross-bleeding between the art and the “reality”, but in a much more complex ways, also involving historical cultural references and their manipulations.

If I had known that one is allowed to do things like that as a painter, I’d have applied to a painting class.

While this kind of blurring of concepts permeates most of my works, in terms of comparable methods and media, I guess it would have to be my older project where I was projecting onto my painting a video of myself dancing/interacting with that painting; also “Mea Culpa” – a video where I have filmed myself against the background of pre-recorded video.