Ian McKeever (b. 1946, UK)
Hartgrove Painting no. 2, 1992-3

I’m admittedly on a very thin ice here, but my choice to include this painting is for how it spells out postmodernism to me – the depth as a pile of surfaces stacked upon each other. It is a kind of “nothing” in terms of representation, fairly abstract, but variation of the superimposed grids creates impression of depth, soothing and unsettling at the same time, a tension that cannot be resolved… holding me in its grip…

I am playing with that method a lot myself – both in sound and in visual experiments. To take an element, make a number of slightly twisted versions of it and superimpose them onto each other rendering something engulfing… something that has no pre-defined meaning but that keeps challenging and feeding my need to find one…

This one must be some nine square meters of art. And I certainly have a weak spot for size. Would love to encounter it in person…