Serkan Özkaya (b. 1973, Turkey)
A Sudden Gust of Wind, 2009

This work is rather simple (looking at its individual elements) and complicated (looking at its complex arrangement), abstract and figurative, able to tweak ordinary “two-dimensional” objects into three-dimensional shapes building up a composition filling up a space of a room, it’s static and dynamic, airy and voluminous, mundane and poetic…

I like how it succeeds to balance between multiple binary pairs evading too specific a definition, making any applicable descriptor conditional. That relates to what I am aiming for in many of my works. I also like to use multiples of something simple and mundane (dots on a canvas, sounds in space, loops in a soft sculpture, …) that in big numbers can build something qualitatively new, where identities of each element get multiplied and gradually dissolved – they are what they are, but then they are also part of something else, in their complexity also revealing individuals as dividuals…