Michael Parson (b. 1938, UK)
Table Music

According to David Toop, “it was just a text, something like ‘make whatever sound you can from a table’ – and I think that it is a really significant piece, because it’s saying anything can be an instrument, any action can be music, and a text can be a composition” (Weibel 2019, 589).

This is totally relevant to some of my experimentations e.g. “all the sounds I can make with table tennis balls”. Also as a means to make audience to “perform” the piece by providing an instruction or invoking a mental image, e.g. as in my “Everything you have heard yesterday between 9:00 am and 9:30 am that was not made audible by artistic intention”.

Weibel, Peter. 2019. Sound Art. Karlsruhe: KZM.