Mikhail Bakhtin (b. 1895, Russia – d. 1975, Russia)
The listener becomes the speaker, 1986 [1978]

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Bakhtin critiques linguistic models of two-way communication positioning one part as a speaker and another as a listener, ascribing the latter a passive role:

The fact is that when the listener perceives and understands the meaning (the language meaning) of speech, he simultaneously takes an active, re-sponsive attitude toward it. He either agrees or disagrees with it (com-pletely or partially), augments it, applies it, prepares for its execution, and so on. And the listener adopts this responsive attitude for the entire duration of the process of listening and understanding, from the very beginning—sometimes literally from the speaker’s first word. Any understanding of live speech, a live utterance, is inherently responsive, although the degree of this activity varies extremely. (Bakhtin et al 1986, p.68)

So, the listener becomes the speaker (ibid.). And as I am building my platform for art-making where I leave the last word to the listener/viewer/experiencer, this is a good quote to have in my defence 🙂

Bakhtin, M. M., Holquist, M., & Emerson, C. (1986). Speech Genres and Other Late Essays: Vol. 1st ed. University of Texas Press.