Stephan von Huene (b. 1932, USA – d. 2000, Germany)
Extended Schwitters, 1987

Peter Weibel writes that “[t]hroughout his life, von Huene was interested in art that lies more in the audience’s experience than in the art object itself” (Weibel 2019, 282). This very much reflects my position.

His works are incomparably more complex and technically advanced than anything I am working with for the time being, but there are enough of overlapping interests anyway. In “Extended Schwitters” he is building upon Schwitter’s “Ursonate”, reconstructs its phonemic building blocks and allows an anthropomorphic sculpture to deliver them based on the presence of the audience as picked up by sensors. This has parallels with me building on other artists’ work, engaging with decay of meaning in repetition of words and seeking for interactive engagement with the audience.

Weibel, Peter (ed.). 2019. Sound Art. Karlsruhe: ZKM.