Marco Fusinato (b. 1964, Australia)
Mass Black Implosion, 2008

Fusinato has come to my attention through his interview on Buxton Contemporary website. I liked his way to describe whom his art is for – “those 50 weirdos” who are staying until the end of his gig. This reflects my own thinking very well – what I am doing is not deliberately attuned to popular tastes, the only audience I really care about is the one who may share my curiosity and bring something interesting to the table. Even if it would be just a single person. That does not mean that I object to wider exposure in principle. If millions would happen to be interested in something I’ve put out – great. But popularity in big numbers is not my goal or success criteria. I think, such situation would rather make me suspicious – why? Big following is typically achieved by those who employ big PR machinery of major galleries or are able to channel sensitivities shared by many already. And my interest is rarely in reproduction of some pre-established truths.

Anyway, once I started looking around which of Fusinato’s works I could point out here, I realised that I’ve been familiar with some of them already, without having connected them to any particular name. I picked Mass Black Implosion – it is so conceptual, it hurts. Avant-garde musical scores that most of the time do not even represent a particular reproducible sonic material, but rather serve as a trigger for interpretation here are re-arranged into another score. A remix of sound that has never sounded and never will (OK, there may be exceptions from that generalisation, but anyway)… Yet strikingly beautiful visual aesthetics…

This has all kinds of relations to my text-based “Sound Piece”, mispronounciations of text by digital “Artificial Ignorance Choir” or “Stray in Concertina” (a photographic performance with waveform graphics offered as a score for sonic improvisation) etc…