Thierry Oussou (b. 1988, Benin)
Impossible is Nothing, 2016

10th Berlin Biennale, Germany / Visited in 2018

Producing a replica of a historical artefact, hiding it in the ground and then leading an archaeological expedition to dig it out and then take it out of the country, running into all kinds of diplomatic, cultural and personal controversies. I love the conceptual boldness of the move and the scale of the work.

What places it on relevance list is, however, more abstract thinking about how works accrue meanings from different contexts. I am working on a few much much simpler projects where idea is to reintroduce something to the place is came from – yet with shift in time and medium, or to displace something causing generation of new meaningful relations, or to superimpose various sites onto each other etc. This also reflects to my ANT-inspired take on site as a social assemblage.