Kelcy Taratoa (b. 1972, New Zealand)
Stop making sense, 2019

Grey Space, Wellington, New Zealand / Visited on 8/11/2019

It’s a kind of anti-me in so many ways that it becomes most relevant.

Starting with the title… I am all about making sense – even of the things that don’t. And Taratoa is weaving so many codes into his paintings – from traditional tukutuku patterns to western abstraction to pop music and language – while I am trying to avoid any intentional coding. Yet, mixing of the codes is bound to lead to generation of new, uncoded meanings, while my avoidance of codes to some extent is just deliberate ignorance of inescapable coding. Either way, we end up balancing somewhere between sense-making and, sense not-yet-made and sense unmade… And that is my favourite place to be as an artist.