Roy Andersson (b. 1943, Sweden)
Waiter, 2019

Galleri Andersson/Sandström, Stockholm, Sweden / Visited on 11/02/2020

Andersson’s movies are known for their poetic dreamy imagery. Now he has presented a number of the stills from his latest movie as prints in a gallery show. And they do work even as such stand-alone works.

What excites me here – apart from the purely aesthetical and formalist side of the works is this interchangeability – or morphing – of presentation mode and media for the same material. I have accumulated some material myself that I have not decided yet how to package of frame – and here I find some affirmation in that whatever I do try, it does not have to be the final decision. It can always be re-worked and re-represented.

Interestingly, two days prior to my unplanned visit to this show, I started photographing the tv-shows I was watching. Those stills of the televised moving images are among that material waiting to be framed. I find this synchronicity rather interesting in terms of chronology, inspiration and history writing. A question I am playing with is “under what conditions I could present a work made after mine as mine’s predecessor”.