Martin Kippenberger (b. 1953, Germany – d. 1997, Austria)
Input-Output, 1986-1992

Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany / Visited23/01/2020

Kippenberger’s oeuvre comes in a variety of media, always with a witty conceptual undertone. There are many works I could have singled out, but I chose to go with drawings on hotel bills. I like this artistic repurposing of everyday objects, I like the graphic quality of drawings superimposed into pre-printed and filled out forms, I like the seriality of the project, I like its unassuming quality, I like that it does not easily give in to my attempts to make sense of it.

In my practice it has parallels with a newly conceived branching out within print / painting / digital collage / artist book ideas that employ repurposing of printed matter, Rererepresentations (digitally redacted scans of books with notes and underlinings made by previous readers) being the first realised project in that direction, with a number of others in the pipeline.